Orietta Aguilar

Orietta Aguilar Santo is a visual artist, born in Mexico City and studied a master’s degree in visual arts at the Academia de San Carlos UNAM in Mexico.
Orietta is currently director of the Rhinoceros Image Workshop, a space in which, for 19 years, they have promoted and worked on free training in artistic activities for children, young people, and adults. With the objective of forming sensitive, empathetic, creative, and reflective human beings, always promoting a culture of peace. She worked in the management of the Second National Meeting of Contemporary Graphics Workshops ‘A Tiro de Fuego’ at the National Printing Museum MUNAE and oversaw the editorial direction of the meeting book.
Orietta has coordinated various projects and exhibitions, including: TIR Children’s Art, Artistic Education Scholarship project, INBA ‘Tapiz Vagabond’, Art History for Children, IMJUVE Impulse México support. He coordinated the activities of the National Award, Investment Projects for the Production of National Painting CONACULTA of the National Institute of Fine Arts.
Orietta currently develops her production in the techniques of drawing, engraving, painting, and ceramics, taking informalize as a base to generate interpretations open to dialogue between the work and the viewer. He has exhibited individually in Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Poland, and England and in many places collectively. She obtained honorable mention at the José Guadalupe Posada 2023 International Engraving Biennial, and at the National Painting and Engraving Biennial in ‘Alfredo Zalce’ in Mexico and she was also selected at the Engraving Biennial in Krakow.