Luis Adolfo Martínez

Luis Adolfo Martínez is a researcher in Social Sciences with an emphasis on qualitative methods. He has academic and research experience in areas related to relational and urban sociology, criminal issues, transitional scenarios, governance, armed conflicts, pedagogies for peace, and post-conflict situations. He is a research professor at the Catholic University of Pereira, Colombia, an Associate Researcher at the Ministry of Science and Technology, Coordinator of the Observatory for Human Security, Education, and Peace (, leader of the Research Group: “Transitions and Politics” (Category A, Minciencias), Peer Evaluator for the Ministry of Science, Visiting Researcher at the Gino Germani Research Institute (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), and researcher at the Latin American Council of Social Sciences, with the group: “violences, security policies, and resistances,” in Argentina. He holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences), Argentina, a Master’s degree in Educational Communication, and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Valle, Colombia. He is currently a professor in the Doctorate in Education in Human Development, the Master’s program in memory and transitional scenarios, and coordinator of the Research Group “Figurations of Violence and Power” affiliated with the Catholic University of Pereira, Colombia.